1:00pm AARP Driving Course
2 day course—Monday July 24 and Tuesday July 25th 1 to 5 pm
Fee $20 for AARP members/$25 non AARP
Claim your safe driver discount! When you take the AARP Smart Driver course at the Phoenixville Senior Center, you could be eligible for a multi-year discount on your auto insurance.
The AARP Smart Driver Course will:
· Refresh your driving skills
· Teach you the new rules of the road
· Discuss techniques for handling left turns, right-of-way, and roundabouts
· Explain research-based strategies to help keep you and your loved ones safe behind the wheel.
Only 25 slots available. Please pre-register for a spot at Christine@phoenixvilleseniorcenter.org or on Copilot at the Senior Center.
Payment can be made first day of class by check or money order to AARP Smart Driver Course.