10:45am Pickleball Class
Want to learn how to play the fastest growing sport in America?
Pickleball is a racket/paddle sport that was created by combining elements of several other racket sports. Two or four players use solid paddles to hit a wiffle ball over a net.
Join Certified Instructor Joel Payton as he shows us how to play Pickleball on June 8th, 10th & 29th at the Senior Center.
Space is limited so preregister on CoPilot
or call (610-935-1515 ext 29) or email (christine@phoenixvilleseniorcenter.org) Christine to make a reservation.
Like to play Pickleball? Come with the Center to the new Rec Center (501 Franklin Ave) to
play on Fridays June 17 & 24 at 1pm. Equipment will be provided. $5 fee is waived for June.
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